Home / Actualité / Bahreïn: la plus haute instance chiite condamne la fermeture d’une mosquée

Bahreïn: la plus haute instance chiite condamne la fermeture d’une mosquée

Mosquee_1.jpgMANAMA (AFP) –La plus haute instance religieuse chiite à Bahreïn, pays majoritairement chiite mais dirigé par une dynastie sunnite, a condamné lundi la fermeture d’une mosquée par les autorités il y a près de trois semaines à Manama, la capitale.

Le président du Conseil des théologiens islamiques, Majid al-Mechaal a critiqué dans un communiqué « la politique officielle d’hégémonie et de contrôle sur les mosquées, les imams et les conférenciers ».

Le 2 janvier, le ministère de l’Intérieur avait empêché Hassan Mesheima, un religieux chiite connu pour ses points de vue critiques à l’égard de l’Etat, de s’exprimer dans une mosquée et ordonné la fermeture de l’édifice religieux, au grand dam de plusieurs associations politiques.

Le gouvernement a indiqué qu’il planchait sur des procédures réglementant les prêches dans les mosquées du royaume. Selon des chiffres officieux, les chiites représentent 60% de la population de Bahreïn.

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One comment

  1. bassama ousmane

    Communauté Musulmane de la Sanaga Maritime et du Cameroun
    Récépissé de déclaration N° 045RDA/C18/BAPP
    Compte Bank N° 00147141501 90 AFRILAND FIRST BANK YAOUNDE-CAMEROUN
    B.P. 13996 Yaoundé. Tél. (+237) 77 75 46 94 / 76 18 94 27 fax (+237) 2003681

    His Excellency

    Subject: Application for financial aid for the construction
    of our Islamic city in Cameroon.

    Your Excellency,

    We are pleased to come to your highness authority as a Muslim brother, to solicit your financial support that will enable us to finance and construct our first Islamic city in Cameroon.

    While turning up the pages of the holly Koran Allah soubhanahu wa t’aalah warns us strongly that “a Muslim is a brother of a Muslim”

    Led by that saying and strengthened by this brotherhood (fraternity), we are soliciting your financial support for this project.

    Your Excellency,

    The Islamic city that we are planning to build up in Cameroon will be capable to host and welcome more than one million and half people and the cost of the works will be estimated to more than 10 Billion of dollars U.S.A.

    Considering the importance of the project and our limited scanty financial means, and considering that the expansion of Islam is the duty all Muslim, we have an obligation to contact our Muslims brothers through out the world, and beg them by name of Allah soubhanahou wa t’aalah to come our rescue

    For the souls of good will interested to come to our receive our account number is as follows: (N° 00147141501 90 AFRILAND FIRST BANK YAOUNDE – CAMEROUN)

    We are thrusting Allah soubhanahou wa t’aalah that you Examine this project and kindly help to its achievement.

    Thank you, and Assalamou’Alaikum. Your Muslim Brother


    National President of Comusam in Cameroon


    COMUSAM is a group of Muslims whose prime objective is to care for the Muslim human cause. A community within a Muslim naturally self developed to meet-up with the social equilibrium.
    Has 3 goals
    1) Promote and propagate Islam
    2) Training of the Muslims
    3) Gearing of the humans towards the right parch.
    Islam shall be promoted in COMUSAM by the contribution of 50 Islamic centres nation wide. Each containing some 60 to 80 thousand apartments able to welcome some 500 to 1 millions souls.

    These Islamic centres are entertained by socio-cultural activities.
    Religions activities
     The building of mosques
     Arabic English, French and coranic schools
     Workshop centres
     Accommodations for the faithful
     Higher Islamic school and others

    Cultural activities
    Work shall be carried on:
     Agriculture and livestock
     fishing
     transport
     tourism
     industry
     education
     health
     the construction of roads connecting our Islamic centres to other parts of Cameroon
     The construction of hydraulic and energetic networks.
     The construction of transformation factories
     The building of higher and professional Islamic institutions.
     The construction of mighty community centre with over 750 floors capable of welcoming thousands of Muslims during Ramadan.
    This cites welcomes only at Ramadan period.

    The training of Muslims is in the line with Islam’s promotion.
    The various structures required for the promotion of Islam are basics necessities for the training of Muslims which should enable faithful to better express their religions faith.

     By offering job opportunities to them;
     Providing newly converted people with means to support the commitment.
     Also providing free
     Medical care or services;
     Education centres and a host and other advantages.
    All those put together, we hope to have greatly contributed to emulation of the Muslims in particular and to man in general.
    Our guidance consists on: The betterment of the Households and families
    Better religious practices, providing them with the, Necessary information as to
    Those who wish to join the Muslims religion.
    * Training or development of the physical and spiritual life of the Muslims and the members
    * To assure a sound and profitable education to our children thus progress and
    Promotion our religion.
    * orient our youths to build up firm households above all temptations.
    * To keep a watch as against corruption and injustice in other to a assure an equal right.
    * Provide employment to all those who scarify themselves to the implanting of Islam in
    our country.
    * Improve ties between our foreign and national partners
    * Increase on other religions and social activities
    * Make develop Islam in Cameroon
    There is:
    Religions dignity
    Assurance as to Islam express in Cameroon
    The gate to Islam and for
    All over and for all
    For your compliments
    Contact us at:
    M. BASSAMA Ousmane
    National president
    Office of Comusam
    P.O BOX: 13996 Yaoundé Cameroun
    PHONE: (+237) 77 75 46 94/ 76 18 94 27 FAX: (+237) 2003681
    E-Mail: comusulame @ yahoo.fr

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